
do nothing and succeed (or fail with a requested exit code)

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nothing - do nothing and succeed (or fail with a requested exit code)

similar to TRUE(1) and FALSE(1) but more


  1. optionally: rename executable to any name you like (i.e. Adobe Updater.exe)
  2. optionally set env var <EXECUTABLE-NAME>_EXIT=<exitcode>. Name is uppercase, without non-alphanumeric characters and without file extension (i.e. ADOBEUPDATER)
  3. run the executable. (If the env var isn't set it will exit with 0).

Example (Windows cmd):

$ move nothing.exe "Adobe Updater.exe"
$ "Adobe Updater.exe"
$ echo %errorlevel%

avoiding security confirmations

The Windows and Mac executables from the releases are codesigned and should be trusted by most anti-virus tools.

On MacOS you still may need to remove the quarantine attribute after download to avoid the one-time "it's downloaded, trust it?" popup:

xattr -c <file>


I quickly needed a renamable, code-signed dummy .exe on windows to replace a misbehaving execuable on many machines.