SOGAR is a generic implementation of OCI Artifacts in PowerShell and other languages. I have only tested it against Azure Container Registry. You can read more about how ACR supports OCI Artifacts here.
Open a new PowerShell terminal, and import the Sogar PowerShell module:
Import-Module ".\powershell\Sogar\Sogar.psm1"
Start by defining environment variables to point to the your ACR URL, username and password.
Push a video file as an OCI artifact:
Export-SogarFileArtifact "videos/demo:latest" ".\VideoDemo1.mp4" -MediaType "video/mp4"
If you don't specify a media type for the file, a default one will be obtained from the file extension.
Pull the same video file again using a different file name:
Import-SogarFileArtifact "videos/demo:latest" ".\VideoDemo2.mp4"
Compare the video files to confirm that they are the same:
PS > Get-FileHash ".\VideoDemo*.mp4"
Algorithm Hash Path
--------- ---- ----
SHA256 71F263E6E77DF6B1AE79EED6FA0DAF20BDEC758550932EA6E7FE39F938F47CE2 VideoDemo1.mp4
SHA256 71F263E6E77DF6B1AE79EED6FA0DAF20BDEC758550932EA6E7FE39F938F47CE2 VideoDemo2.mp4
Congratulations, you have just pushed an artifact to an OCI registry with a name and tag, and then pulled the same artifact from the OCI registry again. You can repeat the process for any kind of file you like!