This app is a demonstration of the Shiny framework for the R Working Group - an informal group of CCC IR professionals learning R together.
Download this repository
Open R; Set this repo as working directory
Ensure "shiny" and "ggplot2" are installed
Run "app.R"
via console: Run
via RStudio: Open the "app.R" file and click the "Run App" button in the IDE
Use "Upload SEP File" button to "Upload" SEP data ("SEP_2022_summary_baseline_year...")
- NOTE: As long as you are running this app on your local computer (where you normally store your SEP data), you're not actually uploading your data to another server - which is a good thing. Always abide by your organizations data security practices.
Use the "Select Metric:" and "Select Disagg Group:" inputs to change the resulting graph.
: This is where all of the logic to our Shiny App exists -
: TheR/
folder contains files that captures our business logic into code-
contains functions to read in the SEP csv -
contains functions to plot a subset of our SEP data -
contains functions to filter our SEP data