
issue in convert maths paper how can i solve it

NareshVadhavana opened this issue · 6 comments

I try to convert maths paper into text but it reurns some other word wich is not usefull
i attach maths paper please give answer soon

What are you wanting from the file? Can you provide an example

From a quick look, there are a lot of glyphs (representation of a character) in this for the maths elements. I'm running a slightly different version but I'm getting content at the top and some of the other content when using an area capture not full to text function.

please give me solution as fast possible ...

and free to ask for if you do not understand my issue

Currently this project doesn't support CID fonts which from what I've checked is likely the issue in converting the "Cambria Maths" font to unicode characters.

ok ....

if this project is in working state than please implement this kind of function