
NodeJS cli tool for scaffolding ExpressJS applications

Primary LanguageJavaScript



NodeJS CLI generator tool for scaffolding ExpressJS applications.

Pre-loaded authentication and authentication middleware for securing your application.

Database Support

  • MongoDB
  • Sequelize


Make sure you have NodeJS installed on your machine.

npm install chetajs -g

Scalffold a new project

Navigate to the directory you wish to scalffold your new project then run the command below

$ chetajs new appname
$ cd appname

Using the env.txt file as a guide,

Create a .env in the base project directory and setup your database connection string


Navigate to your scaffolded project and run any command as desired

$ chetajs <command>:<arg> <name> [options]


  • make
  • version
  • help


Arg Alias Description
resource res generates a model, controller, service, route files
model m generates a model file
controller c generates a model, controller, service, route files
route r generates a route file
service s generates service files


Arg Alias Description
- -force -f Create file even if it already exists
- -empty -e Create controller without crud methods
- -auth -a Add authenticate middleware to route

Run / Build

To run your application, use the command below

$ npm run dev
$ npm run build

npm run build generates a compiled version in the dist folder in the base directory of the project