
Subscribes to MQTT topics and relays to Miniserver

Announcing End-Of-Life of the independent MQTT Gateway plugin

The MQTT Gateway plugin migrates to LoxBerry-Core, therefore no changes will be made anymore in this repository. LoxBerry 3.0 will have the MQTT Gateway included. All settings of the plugin will be migrated on update to LoxBerry 3.0. The plugin installation will be blocked on LoxBerry 3.0.

As soon as all issues are transferred to the LoxBerry repo https://github.com/mschlenstedt/Loxberry/issues this repo will be set to read-only.

MQTT Gateway configuration

See LoxWiki: https://www.loxwiki.eu/display/LOXBERRY/MQTT+Gateway See LoxForum: https://www.loxforum.com/forum/projektforen/loxberry/plugins/294881-mqtt-gateway-2-x