Helpers for creating interceptors with castle core and Unity Container
Global interceptors
// Create container
IUnityContainer unityContainer = new UnityContainer();
unityContainer.RegisterType<IMyFooService, MyFooService>();
// Call InterceptionHelper.InterceptContainer with your interceptors as arguments. This will return a new child container whose all registration will be intercepted
unityContainer = InterceptionHelper.InterceptContainer(unityContainer, new IInterceptor[] { new MyInterceptor() });
Attribute Interceptors
[InterceptWith(typeof(MyInterceptor))] // decorate your class like this
public class MyFooServiceWithAttributeInterceptor : IMyFooService
public void Execute(){ }
// Then initialize the interception:
// Create container
IUnityContainer unityContainer = new UnityContainer();
unityContainer.RegisterType<IMyFooService, MyFooService>();
// Call InterceptionHelper.InterceptContainer This will return a new child container whose all registration will be intercepted
unityContainer = InterceptionHelper.InterceptContainer(unityContainer, new IInterceptor[] { }); // In this example I'm not passing global interceptors but you can use both global and attribute interceptors