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nightly build at 11pm

Digital Bank

Digital Bank is a sample application that was developed for exploratory purposes to examine development frameworks and techniques. The application is an example online digital banking application with integrations into other services.

Getting Started

  • Using either an Eclipse IDE or IntelliJ, import the source code as an Exis1ting Maven Project.


Executing Tests

  • JUnit Tests - Execute "mvn clean test"
  • Serenity BDD Acceptance Tests - Execute "mvn clean verify"
    • Serenity BDD tests use Cucumber Feature file definitions.
      • UI Tests are executed using the Selenium Java framework.
      • API Test are executed using the Rest Assured Java framework.
    • Use '-Dcucumber.options="--tags {tag}"' maven command-line option to filter test execution based on Feature or Scenario tags defined within the feature files.


  • To create a deployment package, execute "mvn clean package -DbuildNumber={###}"
  • To create a new Docker image, update the Dockerfile with the latest build number and then execute "docker build -t {imageName}:{imageTag} ."


Digital Bank can be deployed as a single standalone application service or be deployed and configured to integrate with Digital Credit.

  • WAR Package Deployment
    • Apache Tomcat version 8.5 or higher
      • Deployment does not work with Apache Tomcat 7.x
    • Copy the WAR file into an existing Tomcat instance under ${catalina.base}/webapps folder.
    • (Optional) Copy the digitalbank.properites file into the ${catalina.base}/conf folder.
      • Use to customize the configuration of the application.
      • The digitalbank.properties file is configured to be a "watched resource" in the deployment context. Any updates to the digitalbank.properties file will automatically trigger Tomcat to recycle the application to pick up the new changes.
    • Start the Tomcat service.
    • A digitalbank.log file will be created within ${catalina.base}/logs.
  • Docker Deployment
    • Deploy Digital Bank as a standalone service.
  • Docker Compose Deployment


  • Web Interface ../bank
    • Sample user data is created when the application is started. User credentials for these users are as follows:
  • Swagger UI ../bank/swagger-ui.html
    • The API Admin user credentials are as follows:

Built With


Mark Asbury

See the additional list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details