
Pivotal Tracker PHP API Wrapper - Bare bones implementation. Plus send pull requests if you have additions

Primary LanguagePHP

Author: David Christian Liedle david.liedle@gmail.com Original Author: Jeremy Blanchard auzigog@gmail.com

This fork's license: MIT Open Source License Original License: Use it. :)


php_pivotal_tracker is currently a bare-bones implementation of the Pivotal Tracker API in PHP. It has the core features to do function calls using CURL for requests. Please send pull requests if you make any additions for projects you have. The code has not been extensively tested. Use at your own risk.

What's New

In this fork, the pivotaltracker_rest.php file has been updated to the latest PHP standards, commented with PHPDoc tags, cleaned up and formatted. The two classes were moved to their own files in a classes directory, and two interfaces were created in the interfaces folder.


  • TEST THIS FORK! I have just committed the cleanup and refactoring. No tests have been done to even see if this will work. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
  • Error handling (internally and over REST)
  • Finish implementing all API functions
  • Encoding checks

Further Reading

Pivotal Tracker API Other language wrappers