
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Deep Learning for Automated Discourse - Homework 2

Note: you need Git LFS to download the model files

Our fork of ParlAI with included model files for homework 2

Our Model


  1. Trained on a Google Cloud instance with 13 GB RAM, 2 cores, 1 NVIDIA K80
  2. Seq2Seq model without pretrained word embeddings.
  3. Trained on ParlAI Twitter dataset
  4. Trained for ~ 12 hours.


Evaluated on validation set: [ Finished evaluating tasks ['twitter'] using datatype valid ] {'exs': 10405, 'accuracy': 9.610764055742432e-05, 'f1': 0.055454937351312183, 'bleu-4': 0.0001680273494616013, 'lr': 1, 'total_train_updates': 176783, 'gpu_mem_percent': 0.29, 'loss': 6075.0, 'token_acc': 0.2306, 'nll_loss': 5.832, 'ppl': 340.9}

Example outputs

A few example outputs (in Forever format) have been recorded in test_outputs.

Unfortunately, our model output is extremely poor. Essentially the model is only able to output "I don't know" repeatedly. The output does not change--no matter the input.

Perplexity: 340.9



nohup python examples/train_model.py -t twitter -m seq2seq/seq2seq -mf hello_seq2seq -bs 10 -stim 3600 --max-train-time 59800 &


python -m parlai.scripts.eval_model -m seq2seq/seq2seq -mf hello_seq2seq.checkpoint -t twitter -bs 50


Note: We modified world_logging.py to include an option to print to the Forever chat specification.

python -m parlai.scripts.interactive -m seq2seq/seq2seq -mf hello_seq2seq.checkpoint --log-keep-fields all --report_filename test.json --save_world_logs True

The JSON output will be recorded in test_replies.json.