
Fundamentals of software architecture and development.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Principles SOLID & Clean Code

this repository is based on Fernando Herrera's course Pricipios SOLID & Clean Code.

Full Presentation of this course

01 - Names


  • use English names.
  • should easily define their content or function.


  • do not include "List" in the name if it is a list or array.
  • should easily define their content or function.
  • .


  • use positive values to define the name, semantic meaning.
  • should easily define their function.
  • .


  • .


  • must repress action: verb of the action + noun.
  • descriptive noun.
  • Bad Good

02 - Names

02 - Classes

  • Names made up of substantives or substantive noun phrases, avoid generic names.
  • Names not too generic.
  • Upper camel case.
  • consistent relationship to the number of words in a name.


  • What does this class do?.
  • How does this class perform the task?.
  • Is the location of this class correct?.
  • If something doesn't make sense, remove it or refactor it.

03 - Functions

  • Limit to 3 params, if there are more, use an object to send the params.

  • sort the parameters alphabetically.

  • simple design or structure

  • small size

  • functions of less than 20 lines of code

  • avoid use of else.

  • prioritize the use of ternary conditionals

  • examples:

      const getPayAmount = ({
        isDead = false,
        isSeparated = true,
        isRetired = false,
      }) => {
        let result;
        if (isDead) {
          result = 1500;
        } else {
          if (isSeparated) {
            result = 2500;
          } else {
            if (isRetired) {
              result = 3000;
            } else {
              result = 4000;
        return result;
      interface getPayAmountV2Props {
        isDead: boolean;
        isSeparated: boolean;
        isRetired: boolean;
      const getPayAmountV2 = ({
        isDead = false,
        isSeparated = true,
        isRetired = false,
      }: getPayAmountV2Props): number => {
        if (isDead) {
          return 1500;
        if (isSeparated) {
          return 2500;
        return isRetired ? 3000 : 4000;
    function isRedFruit(fruit: string): boolean {
        if (fruit === "manzana" || fruit === "cereza" || fruit === "ciruela") {
          return true;
        } else {
          return false;
      function isRedFruitV2(fruit: string): boolean {
        const redFruits: string[] = ["manzana", "cereza", "ciruela"];
        return redFruits.includes(fruit?.toLowerCase());
      function getFruitsByColor(color: string): string[] {
        if (color === "red") {
          return ["manzana", "fresa"];
        } else if (color === "yellow") {
          return ["piña", "banana"];
        } else if (color === "purple") {
          return ["moras", "uvas"];
        } else {
          throw Error("the color must be: red, yellow, purple");
      type FruitColor = "red" | "yellow" | "purple";
      function getFruitsByColorV2(color: FruitColor): string[] | Error {
        type FruitsByColor = {
          [key in FruitColor]: string[];
        const fruitsByColor: FruitsByColor = {
          red: ["manzana", "fresa"],
          yellow: ["piña", "banana"],
          purple: ["moras", "uvas"],
        if (!Object.keys(fruitsByColor).includes(color)) {
          throw Error("the color must be: red, yellow, purple");
        return fruitsByColor[color];

      function workingSteps() {
        if (isFirstStepWorking === true) {
          if (isSecondStepWorking === true) {
            if (isThirdStepWorking === true) {
              if (isFourthStepWorking === true) {
                return "Working properly!";
              } else {
                return "Fourth step broken.";
            } else {
              return "Third step broken.";
          } else {
            return "Second step broken.";
        } else {
          return "First step broken.";
      function workingStepsV2() {
        if (isFirstStepWorking !== true) {
          return "First step broken.";
        if (isSecondStepWorking !== true) {
          return "Second step broken.";
        if (isThirdStepWorking !== true) {
          return "Third step broken.";
        if (isFourthStepWorking !== true) {
          return "Fourth step broken.";
        return "Working properly!";


low coupling, high cohesion

SOLID Principles

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Single Responsibility Principle

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Open & Close Principle

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Liskov Substitution Principle


Interface Segregation Principle

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Dependency Inversion Principle

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