Learning resources for the Learn Swift LA Meetup Group
- CS50-Harvards Computer Science Course. No information on Swift or iOS, but a fantastic class on the basics of computer science.
- Stanford Swift- A little more on the advanced side, not for beginners but one of the best resources out there.
- https://www.apple.com/everyone-can-code/
- lynda.com-Good for beginner learning, not so great for interemediate - advanced courses
- pluralsight.com-Some good resources, probably not worth the money just for Swift courses though.
- The Swift Guy- Good clear tutorials on basic Cocoa and Cocoa touch concepts
- The Coding Train Not swift specific, but really good and interesting tutorials on a variety of subjects
- Sean Allen: Fantastic tutorials on lots of iOS and Swift subjects
- Ray Wenderlich Youtube Channel- Basically cut down versions of the paid video portion of the Ray Wenderlich site
- Mark Moykens:Really good for learning animations and UI tricks
- Lets Build That App- All kinds of good iOS and Swift tutorials
- Kiko Loco
- DevSlopes
- Crash Course: Computer Science -REALLY REALLY good playlist on computer science, how computers work and the history of programming
- Computerphile: General computer science based videos