
Snake with vi navigation, using Python3 Flask and vanilla JS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Vi Snake

Snake with Vim navigation.


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I created this when I was doing a web programming class at University of Stavanger. We were thought Python Flask, MySQL and JavaScript. I later added tests with pytest, continuous integration and continuous deployments to azure app service.


The website may be live at https://visnake.azurewebsites.net/, but it's probably down, as I'm using my precious Azure credits for newer projects.

Dev setup

Push to master triggers build and deploy to azure

Server / Environment

Set environment variables: . ./dev_config.sh on max/linux, or .\dev_config.ps1 on windows powershell.

Run server: flask run or python3 app.py, then open your browser at


Highscores are saved in a mysql database called visnake. Create your own dev database by running the database_config.sql script into MySQL shell or MySQL Workbench.