
This repository utilizes concepts within Express.js to create a digital note-taker application that saves data through POST routes and publishes them through GET routes. The deployed application can be accessed by clicking here.

A preview of the deployed application.

Table of Contents


The deployed application and repository contains the following back-end features. This project focuses more on back-end structures, to which these features highlight:

  • Class instance model of notes to define functions that pertain to get and post routes. The class instance also defines three items for each note: the title, text, and an ID.
  • Routes that connect front-end structures to back-end servers.
    • HTML routes direct user to the main page and load the appropriate HTML page.
    • API routes define get and post routes .
  • Helper function to generated user IDs (UUID).
  • Server routes defined in server.js utilize either local port or server specified by .env files.

A preview of the deployed application


The application could be improved by integrating the following:

  • Deleting Notes: At the current moment, deleting notes is not a supported function. The routes for delete will need to be added.


Copy the HTTPS or SSH key into your terminal and perform a git pull to create a local copy of the repository. A copy of this repository can be cloned using either of the following codes in the terminal to create a copy in your local environment:



Usage Instructions

The deployed application can be accessed by clicking here.

To deploy the application from your local environment, first clone a copy of the repository. Once the repository has been downloaded, navigate to the repository in the terminal and install the necessary third-party packages using npm i.

To deploy the application locally, run either npm start or node server.js. This will deploy the repository to your local host at http://localhost:3001/.

To deploy the application to Heroku, run npm i heroku in the terminal. Log into Heroku in the terminal using heroku login, then run the following commands: git init to initialize the repository, git add . to add the repository contents, and git commit -m "{message}" to commit the changes. If you have not created a Heroku application, run heroku create. Then run git push heroku {branch}.


This repository was created by Manong Chris. For further support, reach out by email at or by Github at christiangella.


This repository was developed for the UC Davis Fullstacks Bootcamp under the UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education.