
Various libretro cores built for arm64 (aarch64) and armhf (arm32) architecture. Primarily used by ArkOS and TheRA and welcomed to be used for other projects

Primary LanguageShell

RK3326 RetroArch core repo


libarchive-zip-perl ( Needed for crc32) rsync zip

On Ubuntu 16.04 or newer, these can be easily installed by doing:

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt-get install -y libarchive-zip-perl rsync zip

On Redhat 6 or newer, these can be easily installed by doing:

sudo yum install perl-Archive-Zip rsync zip

Add/update core

Please make sure to strip & test the cores before submitting a PR.

Copy the core to aarch64 or arm7hf and chdir to that directory. Then run:

    cd retroarch-cores
    git fetch https://github.com/christianhaitian/retroarch-cores.git && git merge https://github.com/christianhaitian/retroarch-cores.git/master
    ../addcore (corename)_libretro.so (ex. nestopia_libretro.so)
    git add . && git commit -m "commit message" && git push

Commit and make PR.