Angular directive for uploading base64-encoded files that you can pass along with the resource model. This directive is based from one of the answers in this SO question.
Note: This directive only supports single file selection.
Bower: bower install angular-base64-upload
See the on demo folder.
Include angular.js
and angular-base64-upload.js
in your application and add naif.base64
as dependency to your main module:
angular.module('myApp', ['naif.base64']);
<input type='file' ng-model='yourModel' base-sixty-four-input>
Sample yourModel
value after selecting a file:
"filesize": 54836,
"filetype": "image/jpeg",
"filename": "profile.jpg",
You will have to decode the base64 file in your backend on your own. Sample PHP code for decoding base64 file in demo folder. Below is a ruby code for decoding the base64-encoded file to be passed to paperclip:
def create
@resource.attachment = decode_base64
# save resource and render response ...
def decode_base64
# decode base64 string 'decoding base64 file'
decoded_data = Base64.decode64(params[:your_model][:base64])
# create 'file' understandable by Paperclip
data =
data.class_eval do
attr_accessor :content_type, :original_filename
# set file properties
data.content_type = params[:your_model][:filetype]
data.original_filename = params[:your_model][:filename]
# return data to be used as the attachment file (paperclip)
Released under the terms of MIT License.