#MicroCLI: A command-line interface (CLI) for the STM32F0-Discovery with WiFi and 2 Android Apps
##Getting started
This repository contains the source code for the STM32F0-Discovery board.
It is based on the STM32F0-Discovery Application Template, so have a look at its Readme.md
The (German) project description with some more information is located here.
- This folder contains the STM32F0xx_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.0 standard peripheral driver library produced by STM. This preserves the original structure which should make it easy to roll in library upgrades as they are published
- libemb is a current git snapshot from https://github.com/wendlers/libemb
- Folder contains device specific files:
- startup_stm32f0xx.s is the startup file taken from the STM32F0-Discovery firmware package. It is found in the following directory:
- Libraries/CMSIS/ST/STM32F0xx/Source/Templates/TrueSTUDIO/
- Linker Scripts (Device/ldscripts)
- These linker scripts are used instead of the stm32_flash.ld script which is included in the STM demo code. This is because the original file contains an unreasonably restrictive copyright assertion.
- All include files for this particular project.
- All source files for this particular project (including main.c).
- This contains a procedure file used to write the image to the board via OpenOCD
##Loading the image on the board
If you have OpenOCD installed make program
can be used to flash the .bin file to the board. OpenOCD must be installed with stlink enabled. Clone the git repository and use these commands to compile/install it:
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/openocd/code openocd.git
cd openocd.git
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-stlink
sudo make install
If there is an error finding the .cfg file, please double-check the OPENOCD_BOARD_DIR constant at the top of the Makefile (in this template directory, not in OpenOCD).
###UDEV Rule for the Discovery Board
If you are not able to communicate with the STM32F0-Discovery board without root privileges you should follow the step from the stlink repo readme file for adding a udev rule for this hardware.
##GCC ARM Embedded Toolchain
It might be best to use a precompiled toolchain.
- Extract the archive and add it to the path, e.g. edit
and add a line with the path to the extracted archiveexport PATH=$PATH:/home/chris/tools/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_6-2012q2/bin
- Extract the archive and add it to the path, e.g. edit