
Serverless functions for Gringo's Web App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FOMO Reservation - Netlify Functions

Deployment Notes


  1. Create new Gmail (recommended).
  2. Create Paymongo account with that Gmail.


  1. Create Firebase Project.
  2. Enable Auth (Email only).
  3. Set Email and Password of Super Admin.
  4. Deploy to Netlify Functions. Set Environment Variables:
    • FIREBASE_CLIENT_EMAIL (from Google Private Key JSON)
    • FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY (from Google Private Key JSON)
    • FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID (from Google Private Key JSON)
    • SUPER_ADMIN_EMAIL (set superAdmin Email)
    • WEB_BASE_URL (URL of the deployed Front-End App)
    • PAYMONGO_PUBLIC_KEY (from Paymongo Dashboard)
    • PAYMONGO_PRIVATE_KEY (from Paymongo Dashboard)