
A Django project template with all the stuff needed to start and run, it manages users and organizations. Inlcudes a Rest API, CORS support and SaaS via PostgreSQL schemas.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

My Django project

This is a Django project template with all necessary stuff to run a functional project without more changes.


  • Organization model with some basic attributes.
  • User model (from Abstract model) with foreign key to Organization model.
  • User's email to login (username field is copied from email).
  • Rest API support:
    • Login. Obtain access token and refresh access token.
    • Return user info with tokens at login.
    • CORS headers allowing all hosts.
    • Swagger docs.
  • Tenant apps via django-tenant-schemas.
    • Organization model is the tenant base.
    • core app is shared (in public schema).
    • Use migrate_schemas instead of built-in migrate command.
    • Custom middleware to select schema_name from the request's header (X-DTS-HEADER). Default schema is public.


You must have installed Django on your system to use django-admin command.

  1. Create a new project by running:
django-admin startproject --template https://github.com/christianmtr/my_django_template/archive/master.zip --extensions=py,json new_django_project .
  1. Create and active an virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Only works with Python 3.X, use python3 if is necessary.

  1. Change the database parameters in settings.py at line 77.

  2. Install dependencies from requirements.txt by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt 
  1. Create migration files:
python manage.py makemigrations
  1. Apply migrations:
python manage.py migrate_schemas
  1. Create public tenant:
python manage.py loaddata organization 
  1. Create own organization:
python manage.py create_public_organization
  1. Create a super user specifying schema name:
python manage.py createsuperuser
  1. Run project:
python manage.py runserver
  1. Enjoy =)

Other behaviours and more features

Check out the other branches.