
Errors executing Clusteranalysis.R

christianparet opened this issue · 3 comments

Several errors, missing functions. Not sure whether this is about issues with my R installation or sth generic. Please check
Console output when running Clusteranalysis.txt

Code is running fine on my machine. Here are some suggestions to fix the errors in your output:

"ERROR: failed to lock directory ‘\zisvfs12\Home\Christian.Paret\Documents\R\win-library\4.0’ for modifying
Try removing ‘\zisvfs12\Home\Christian.Paret\Documents\R\win-library\4.0/00LOCK’"
-> Apparently, this file has to be removed manually, as stated in the error message. Never seen this error before, but found it online several times.

"konnte Funktion "fviz_nbclust" nicht finden"
-> fviz_nbclust() is not missing when I run the code. Maybe try "factoextra::fviz_nbclust()", but not sure this is the issue. Similarly for dunn(). Maybe try to see whether you get a warning message/error when you try library("factoextra"), library("clValid") and library("psych"). There are more packages, with similar issues, which are loaded normally when I try to run the code.

"Fehler in library(dendextend) : es gibt kein Paket namens ‘dendextend’"
-> I added a line of code install the package, if it is not found: if (!require("dendextend")) install.packages("dendextend")

Fixed the above problems.

Found two more problems (1 Error message, 1 inconsistency in results received from the code and the result value documented as a comment).
code review 2.txt

Not sure about the error message, I don't get one. But I solved the issue that resulted in the deviance of the result.