
convey if there are library dependencies for the code to run?

christianparet opened this issue · 5 comments

convey if there are library dependencies for the code to run?

@franklin-feingold How detailed do you think this should be? Do you happen to have an example of an open project based on R code that we could look at?

Not sure whether I understand this issue. As far as I can tell, all analyses were performed in R and the used libraries are given at the beginning of each script. Isn't this sufficient? (as long as we include session infos somewhere, which we should)

To me it looks good as it is - @franklin-feingold , what do you say? Maurizio, sorry for the stupid question: what means "sessions infos" - is there sth. we need to add/fix from your point of view?

hi @christianparet - taking a look at the repo, it looks very well documented (particularly theREADME)

Looking through some of the code repos - I thought it was clear and the comments make it really easy to read through and understand what each block is doing

Thank you for having a look.