Todo API


This is a simple API providing todo list functionality, stored in a sqlite database. The API is secured using JWT Authentication & role-based authorization.

  • The API is build using dotnet core 3.1
  • The API does not work correctly "out of the box"; review app configs before running
  • The repo contains a postman collection which demonstrates use of all the API endpoints


  • Admin
    • Can list all users
    • Can view details of a specific user
    • Users cannot be assigned the Admin role via the API
  • User
    • This is the default User created by the API
    • Can create, edit, list & remove their own todo items
    • Can mark todos they own as complete or incomplete
    • Users cannot see other users todo items


There is no setup required, the database will be created when the API is run & the databases will be seeded with the 2 roles & 1 admin user (, test123).

The API is documented with Swagger, which is implemented with Swashbuckle. Once the app is running, nagivate to http://localhost:5000/swagger to view the specification for the API.

There is also a Postman collection available in the root of the repository, import the collection to explore the API with Postman if you prefer.

Please note: the unit tests are currently incomplete.


  • Create a fork of this repository in your own github account
  • If you have any trouble or queries please reach out to us using any of the emails in this README Depending on the role being assessed instructions may vary.

Frontend role

  • Choose a ui framework, preferably React, Angular+ or Vue & create a ui application in folder named "Todo.UI"
  • The following functionality should be implemented:
    • State management
    • Register a user
    • Login
    • View a list of todos
    • Mark a todo as complete or incomplete from the list
    • Delete a todo from the list
    • Add a todo
    • Edit a todo
    • Signout
    • Styling is not a priority
    • Unit tests; you do not need full coverage. A few components is fine.
  • Please consider your git history as this will be reviewed
    • Commit & push code regularly
  • Once complete, please send a link to your repository to or

QA Automation

Looking at the User role requirements, create at least 3 BDD test scenarios.


  • Use the postman collection provided to:
    • Register a user using your name


  • Can list all users
  • Can view details of a specific user
  • Users cannot be assigned the Admin role via the API


  • This is the default User created by the API
  • Can create, edit, list & remove their own todo items
  • Can mark todos they own as complete or incomplete
  • Users cannot see other users todo items
  • Once complete, please send a link to your repository to or