API created in .NET Core that uploads images to Firebase Storage 🤩

Steps to follow:

  • 👉 Create your project in Firebase
  • 👉 Register your web project in Firebase
  • 👉 You must Enable Firebase Storage and Firebase Authentication.
  • 👉 You must enable the login with Mail / Password in Firebase Auth and create a user.
  • 👉 In the FirebaseStorageManager class you must replace the api key, the name of your bucket and the user you created.

Important points ✌️

  • You get the api key of your project in Firebase by clicking on the settings icon and then on project settings and copy your Web API key.
  • You can find the name of the bucket by clicking on Storage in the main menu and copy the link "nameyourproject.appspot.com".
  • Finally put the user and password that you created in Firebase Auth.
  • Take note that the image must be in base64 format. You can convert an image to base64 here 👉 https://base64.guru/converter/encode/image

Regards 🤩

  "title": "Firebase Storage & .NET 5",
  "speaker": "Christian Sánchez",
  "bio": "I am Software Developer and Auth0 Ambassador 🚀",
  "communities": [
      "DevTeam504": "Co-Founder y Organizer",
      "FlutterHonduras": "Co-Founder y Co-Organizer"
  "socialMedia": {
    "twitter": {
      "user": "@christian_sc96",
      "profile": "https://twitter.com/christian_sc96"
    "github": {
      "user": "@christiansc96",
      "profile": "https://github.com/christiansc96"
    "instagram": {
      "user": "@christian_sc96",
      "profile": "https://www.instagram.com/christian_sc96/"
    "linkedin": {
      "user": "Christian Sánchez",
      "profile": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/christian-david-s%C3%A1nchez-675980177/"