BP XProfile WordPress User Sync replaces the default BuddyPress xProfile 'Name' field with 'First Name' and 'Last Name' fields and keeps these in sync with the corresponding WordPress user profile fields.
- Archiemaisiri
- cgerstudioFROST Network Technology
- codelion7Team Extreme
- cycomarcoooRedshooters
- dimensionmediaDimension Media
- dnnsldrPhoenix AZ
- eci-chrisEthics & Compliance Initiative
- fritidsFrance
- garretthyderSTN Video
- Kwagga-Quagga
- lmoffereins@e-mergo
- majecdad
- MatRouaultGrand Labo
- mrjarbenneHamilton Wentworth District School Board
- Ronald-DiemickeAustin, Tx
- sbrajeshBuddyDev
- shawnsmithco
- twelch555
- webinistaWebinista, Inc.
- zacwasielewskiUtica, NY