
A repo to host all code for the frontend of my project manager application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Tracker

A Project Manager Application for Independent Contractors and Small Business Owners

Click here to view application

Project Description

Outside of GA, I am an independent contractor/freelancer providing editing and proofreading services for clients applying to college and other post graduate programs. Since the fall time is prime college application season, I wanted to create a simple project manager to keep track of each client I’m working with. I typically work with anywhere between 15-20 clients at a given time, each needing their essays reviewed within 3-5 days of sending their drafts to me. So, the aim of this application is to consolidate each project into cards onto a dashboard so I can easily see the status of all my current orders at a glance.

To Run Locally

If you'd like to view this project on your local machine, first fork + clone down this repo. Open a new terminal window and navigate into the project-manager-frontend directory. Run npm start to start the application in your local server.

To run the server, clone this backend repo. In the terminal, cd into the project-manager-backend folder and run . venv/bin/activate to start the server.

Tech Stack

  • Server: Flask and Postgres
  • Client: React and React Bootstrap


Click here to see my ERDs.


Click here to see my wireframes.

User Stories

End user: Freelancer/Independent contractor

  • As a user, I want view all my active projects at a glance to easily view all my current orders.
  • As a user, I want to be able to create new projects that are then posted onto the home page.
  • As a user, I want to be able to click on each project and be directed to a detailed show page so that I can see more details about each project.
  • As a user, I want to be able to edit each project directly on the page without having to redirect to a separate edit form so updating details for each project will be more seamless.
  • As a user, I want to be able to log “diary” entries/updates for each project.
  • As a user, I want be able to mark my project as complete so that it will migrate over to the “completed projects” page where I can see a list of all projects I’ve completed in the past.
  • As a user, I want the option to delete projects into a “trash” bin which allows the user to “replace” the project back onto their dashboard.
  • As a user, I want to be able to permanently delete projects from my “trash” bin so that they are completely removed from my database.
  • As a user, I want be able to register/login to my own account so that all my projects are unique to me and I’m the only user with permission to make changes to my projects.

MVP Goals

  • Implement user authentication so only users who register/create an account can start creating/editing projects on their dashboard.
  • Have a home page/dashboard that houses all projects.
  • Allow user to edit every detail within each project.
  • Allow user to update the status of each project (not started, in progress, complete).
  • Allow user to create/update/delect/checkoff subtasks within each project.
  • Allow user to log updates of project progress on each project’s show page.
  • Create a “trash” bin page that hosts all deleted projects.
  • Allow user to permanently delete all projects from the “trash” bin.
  • Create a list of subtasks for each project from which the user can add to-do’s and check them off.
  • Style with React Bootstrap.

Stretch Goals

  • Implement a side bar when the user is NOT on the home page so they can still see their other projects.
  • Allow users to sort projects on the home page by due date, status, etc.
  • Allow the user to upload files from Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive, etc (will be using a file upload API for this).
  • Make fully responsive on all devices.
  • Allow user to search for projects/tasks/project details by keyword.

👉🏼 Click here to view my backend repo