JavaScript Open Day is a full day conference about the future of JavaScript and the Web presented by Microsoft Edge and Lighthouse Labs. World-class speakers from the Canadian Web Community will speak about all aspects of full-stack JavaScript development. This repository contains the presentations and talks from JavaScript Open Day in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal.
- Steve Fisher - @hellofisher
- Tiffany Tse - @tiffany_tse
- Fred Harper - @fharper
- Morten Rand-Henriksen - @mor10
- Rami Sayar - @ramisayar
- Pearl Chen - @pearlchen
- Tommy Lewis - @tommylee
- Faruk Ates - @kurafire
- Sean Goresht - @sgoresht
- Olivier Wietrich - @bredeleca
- Eric Kryski - @ekryski
- Rami Sayar - @ramisayar
- Stephanie Hobson - @stephaniehobson
- Grant Skinner - @gskinner
- Matthew Potter - @askmp
- Christina Truong - @christinatruong
- Kate Hudson - @k88hudson
- Rami Sayar - @ramisayar
- David Rousset - @davrous
- Fred Harper - @fharper
- Carla Morawicz - @carlamorawicz
- Marek Zaluski - @marekweb
- Rami Sayar - @ramisayar
- Nicolas Krutchken - @nicolaskruchten