
Tic Tac Toe Game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An interactive, multiplayer tic-tac-toe game completed as part of General Assembly's WDI program.


I used HTML and CSS to creat the game design. I used Javascript to create the game functionality. I used jquery to incorporate event handlers. I used Ajax to connect to the game API provided to me for the project.


User Story:

As a Tic Tac Toe game player, I want to play a browser game with a friend.

  As a user, I can register for an account.
  As a user, I can log in to my account.
  As a user, I can clear the board and play a new game.
  As a user, I can view the rules of the game.
  AS a user, I can see a notification of who won the game.

Wireframe: see image in file /assets/styles/images/TTT-wireframe.jpg