A collection of all the swarm city smart contracts written in solidity
Manages blockchain-approved parameters for a DApp Developers stake their reputation by deploying new keys to this contract.
Manages a hashtag
- Creates a MiniMe token contract for managing REP balances
- Registers Factories that can mint rep
- Manages hashtag commission fees
The truffle framework is used. Contracts are in the contracts folder.
truffle compile
truffle test
truffle test ./test/HashtagSimpleDeal-makedeal.js
truffle test ./test/HashtagSimpleDeal-conflictflow.js
truffle test ./test/HashtagSimpleDeal-conflictflow-provider.js
truffle test ./test/HashtagSimpleDeal-conflictflow-payout.js
truffle test ./test/HashtagSimpleDeal-cancelflow.js