
Link parser for PubMed URLs using the Simple HTML DOM parser and Clipboard.js

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

PubMed Link Parser

The PubMed Link Parser allows you to enter one or more URLs from PubMed and grabs the results of the <h1> tag using the Simple HTML DOM Parser library. The script currently dumps the results into numbered batches of thirty and includes an implementation of Clipboard.js to quickly copy the output batches to the clipboard for easy pasting into projects.

(This was created for a friend at NutritionFacts.org)





To Use

Upload to your web directory and open parser.php or fire up a local server for personal use.

Feel free to modify this to suit your needs. I wrote this pretty quickly, so there's probably a lot of room for improvement.

To Do

Add in an Asana exporter.




Christi Richards
