
pfSense deployment in Azure



These ARM templates deploy a pfSense NVA in Azure using linked templates. It creates the following environment:

  • Virtual Network with 3 subnets
    • Gateway subnet (for future use)
    • Front-end subnet (WAN side)
    • Back-end subnet (LAN side)
  • Managed disk from vhd
  • pfSense virual machine
  • Virtual machine to manage the pfSense NVA

This repository is used to support the pfSense on Azure blog post series on https://www.christofvg.be:


Here a visual representation of the design:

pfSense design


All parameters are passed to the 'main' ARM template azuredeploy.json. They are forwarded to the linked templates. Here an overview per linked template:

Convention: [data type]name in the linked template(name in the main template): description


[string]location: The Azure location to deploy all resources
[string]vNetName: The name for the virtual network
[string]vNetAddressPrefix: The address prefix for the virtual network

The subnets are passed to the virtualNetwork.json ARM template as parameters, but the array is built from the separate subnet parameters:

  • Gateway subnet
    • [string]gatewaySubnetName
    • [string]gatewaySubnetAddressPrefix
  • Front-end subnet
    • [string]frontEndSubnetName
    • [string]frontEndSubnetAddressPrefix
  • Back-end subnet
    • [string]backEndSubnetName
    • [string]backEndSubnetAddressPrefix


[string]location: The Azure location to deploy all resources
[string]storageType(managedDiskStorageType): Storage type for the managed disk
[string]sourceVhdPath: Path to the vhd file on the storage account
[string]storageAccountName(vhdStorageAccountName): Name of the storage account where the vhd file is stored
[string]osType: OS Type of the image on the managed disk
[string]managedDiskName: Name for the managed disk


[string]location: The Azure location to deploy all resources
[string]frontEndNicName: Name for the front-end NIC
[string]backEndNicName: Name for the back-end NIC
[string]frontEndIp: IP for the front-end NIC
[string]backEndIp: IP for the back-end NIC
[string]vNetName: Name for the pfSense instance
[string]vNetResouceGroupName(virtualNetworkResourceGroup): The resource group where to deploy the virtual network
[string]frontEndSubnetName: The name of the front-end subnet
[string]backEndSubnetName: The name of the back-end subnet
[string]vmName: Name for the pfSense instance
[string]vmSize: Size for the pfSense instance
[string]managedDiskName: Name for the managed disk
[string]osType: OS Type of the image on the managed disk


[string]managementVmName: Name for the management virtual machine
[string]publicIpAddressName(managementVmPublicIpAddressName): Name for the management virtual machine public ip address
[string]managementVmNicName: Name for the management virtual machine nic
[string]managementVmAdminUserName: Management virtual machine username
[string]managementVmPassword: Management virtual machine password
[string]managementVmDiskType: Management virtual machine virtual disk type
[string]managementVmOSDiskName: Management virtual machine OS disk name
[string]managementVmSize: Management virtual machine size
[string]managementVmOSVersion: Management virtual machine OS version
[string]location: The Azure location to deploy all resources
[string]vNetResourceGroupName(virtualNetworkResourceGroup): The resource group where to deploy the virtual network
[string]vNetName: The name for the virtual network
[string]backEndSubnetName: The name of the back-end subnet

Resource Groups

Resource groups are also deployed by the ARM template. Therefore, parameters with the names for the resource groups are also needed.

[string]virtualNetworkResourceGroup: The resource group where to deploy the virtual network
[string]pfSenseResourceGroup: The resource group where to deploy pfSense
[string]managementVmResourceGroup: The resource group where to deploy the management virtual machine

The parameters vhdStorageAccountName and managementVmAdminPassword are not mentioned in the parameters file to prevent sensitive data in source control. They can be passed to the deployment as extra parameter.


To deploy the ARM teplate using PowerShell:

New-AzureRmDeployment -Location <location> -TemplateFile <path to azuredeploy.json> -TemplateParameterFile <path to azuredeploy.parameters.json> -vhdStorageAccountName <storageAccountName> -managementVmAdminPassword <password> -Verbose


Please don't hesitate to leave me some feedback on twitter @cvangeendert.