Charlotte Astrophiles

This page makes use of multiple APIs to provide selection of astronomical images and information that is updated daily and/or randomly on demand.

Link to project: alt tag

How It's Made:

Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

This uses the NASA APOD API and displays the image, title and description for the day's selection by NASA.

Mars Section

An image from the current NASA Mars rover, Curiosity, is displayed along with descriptors. Some images are blurry, so a button to refresh the picture is added. Underneath is the weather information, relayed by Curiosity, about the latest sol on Mars. This are provided through two separate NASA API's.

Hubble Telescope Image

Using a Hubble Telescope API an image with the tag of Nebula is shown as the main feature along with the title, release time and related information. The selection is filtered base on resolution size to make sure it is large enough to be visually please while at the same time, not too large (there are resolutions over 14k).

Charlotte Data

A small collection of daily astronomical data related to Charlotte

APIs Used

NASA - Astronomy Picture of the Day

NASA - Mars Rover Photos

Mars' Weather

Hubble Telescope Images

Charlotte Astronomical Data

Lessons Learned:

This was my exploration into API's, specifically with images and their associated data. I choose NASA's api's as the images they produce can be stunning and I find it interesting to see pictures of other planets from the surface. I learned how to manipulate the datat coming back from API's and choose images randomly.


Take a look at these couple examples that I have in my own portfolio:

Portfolio Page:

Happy Tails Dog Grooming:

Ascent Running Camp:

Professional Runner (retired):

Ascent Running Coaching: