- 1
- 2
nvim navigate does not work under tmux
#415 opened by liberiulx - 3
How are you dealing with the key binding conflict of Ctrl-k and kill-line in shells?
#389 opened by asmod3us - 1
- 0
Default key bindings broken on tmux 3.2a (Ubuntu 22.04)
#412 opened by x3rAx - 0
TPM: Removing key bindings does not work as documented
#408 opened by x3rAx - 1
TPM plugin overrides key binding for `<prefix> C-l`
#410 opened by x3rAx - 3
- 11
Vim -> Tmux doesn't work!
#387 opened by alex-belost - 14
navigating between tmux panes works fine but doesn't work in vim split panes
#391 opened by lazylance3 - 2
Switching Between Panes (Tmux -> Tmux, Tmux -> Vim) with Remapped Bindings Suddenly Stopped Working
#407 opened by JBlocklove - 0
- 1
vim-tmux-navigator is working properly on every terminal but not on Warp terminal
#401 opened by krishmakhijani - 2
Ctrl +h and Ctrl + l is not working with tmux but without tmux its working
#400 opened by krishmakhijani - 4
- 3
"Not an editor command: ^UTmuxNavigateRight" after changing keys table in lazy.nvim
#397 opened by istrupin - 2
navigation in tmux zoom mode
#398 opened by MohammadLashkari - 1
Key not present in Dictionary: "p"
#396 opened by niba - 4
Cannot switch from nvim to tmux pane
#381 opened by sklbz - 1
- 1
- 3
Tmux -> Neovim not working
#347 opened by Dannygx21 - 1
CMD+K Issue with vim-tmux-navigator Plugin
#386 opened by aharoJ - 2
[feature request] support for :only
#384 opened by karshPrime - 1
- 3
Can't get this to work from NeoVim to Tmux
#377 opened by jaikb - 1
Can't get this working. I'm not able to switch between tmux panes as well as vim splits
#378 opened by hrvadl - 12
Nvim cannot change window to Tmux, output of :TmuxNavigatorProcessList is not as displayed
#365 opened by ctagard - 1
Suggestion: Improved is_vim performance
#376 opened by b0o - 2
- 1
Takes tmux out of minimized mode.
#374 opened by shibisuriya - 3
Mappins overriden by terminal
#373 opened by u-steen - 2
Will this plugin support C-Up / C-Down / C-Left / C-Right to resize tmux or vim split ?
#372 opened by MontiL - 4
Move from nvim to tmux pane not working.
#370 opened by gyang274 - 1
Tmux Navigator not working with CodeWhisperer
#369 opened by itzcodex24 - 2
Can no navigate nvim -> tmux (TmuxNavigatorProcessList doesn't show what is needed)
#349 opened by Verisana - 6
Can't get <c-j>, <c-h>, <c-l>, <c-k> to work with lazy.nvim on neovim, other keys work fine
#359 opened by sdondley - 7
- 1
- 0
:Lazy and `E11: Invalid in command-line window`
#366 opened by oschrenk - 16
nvim to tmux does not work
#355 opened by aziz76 - 3
- 3
- 3
Is it possible to use same keybindings for neovim splits and tmux panes navigation
#357 opened by noahxzhu - 4
Nvim -> tmux doesn't work!
#356 opened by acezepp83 - 2
TmuxNavigator completly stopped working
#353 opened by 149-code - 5
:TmuxNavigatorProcessList output missing tmux
#350 opened by n-tropy247 - 4
Zoom to the active vim panel
#352 opened by klarkc - 2
install plugins but not loaded
#351 opened by JiuRanYa - 2