
XcpResponseError [ERR_ACCESS_LOCKED] - Seed and Key unlock process error

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hello everyone I would like to share the error I am having in the seed and key unlock process, for some reason the ECU does not unlock any features, I validated that my Seed and Key file is working using a third party software such as INCA software and it worked . Now the same process using pyXCP I am having the following error when sending the unlock command:
L2 C4 [fe 25]

I am using a Debian 10 and .so seed and key file

Code I'm using to unlock the ECU

from pyxcp.cmdline import ArgumentParser
from pyxcp import types

def callout(master, args):
    if args.sk_dll:
        master.seedNKeyDLL = args.sk_dll

ap = ArgumentParser(callout)
    help="Seed-and-Key .DLL name",

with as x:
    rps = x.getCurrentProtectionStatus()
    print("Protection before unlocking:", rps, end="\n\n")

    result = x.cond_unlock("daq") ## ERROR HERE
    print("X.cond_unlock result: ", result)
    rps = x.getCurrentProtectionStatus()
    print("Protection after unlocking:", rps)


Here is the error log from pyXCP

DEBUG:pyxcp.transport.Base:Python-CAN driver: socketcan - socketcan channel 'can1']
DEBUG:pyxcp.transport.Base:-> [ff 00]
DEBUG:pyxcp.transport.Base:<- L8 C0 [ff 05 c0 08 08 00 01 01]
DEBUG:pyxcp.transport.Base:-> [fd]
DEBUG:pyxcp.transport.Base:<- L6 C1 [ff 00 1d 00 00 00]
DEBUG:pyxcp.transport.Base:-> [f8 00 04]
DEBUG:pyxcp.transport.Base:<- L6 C2 [ff 04 <MY SEED HERE>]
DEBUG:pyxcp.transport.Base:-> [f7 04 <MY KEY HERE>]
DEBUG:pyxcp.transport.Base:<- L2 C3 [fe 25]
[ERROR (pyxcp.pyxcp.master.errorhandler)]: XcpResponseError [ERR_ACCESS_LOCKED]
[ERROR (pyxcp.pyxcp.master.errorhandler)]: XcpResponseError [ERR_ACCESS_LOCKED]
ERROR:pyxcp.pyxcp.master.errorhandler:XcpResponseError [ERR_ACCESS_LOCKED]
Try to handle error -- Service: UNLOCK Error-Code: ERR_ACCESS_LOCKED
ERROR:pyXCP:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 50, in <module>
    result = x.cond_unlock("daq")
  File "/mnt/SD/pyxcp/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyxcp/master/", line 1772, in cond_unlock
    self.unlock(key_length, key)
  File "/mnt/SD/pyxcp/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyxcp/master/", line 376, in inner
    res = executor(inst, func, arguments)
  File "/mnt/SD/pyxcp/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyxcp/master/", line 346, in __call__
    preActions, actions, repeater = handler.actions(*getActions(inst.service, self.error_code))
  File "/mnt/SD/pyxcp/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyxcp/master/", line 258, in actions
    raise UnhandledError("Could not proceed due to unhandled error.")
pyxcp.master.errorhandler.UnhandledError: Could not proceed due to unhandled error.

Please if anyone can help I would be very grateful

Communication (including .so) looks fine.
Have you tried

result = x.cond_unlock() 

i.e. unlock every resource, if locked?

Communication (including .so) looks fine. Have you tried

result = x.cond_unlock() 

i.e. unlock every resource, if locked?

Yes i have tried separately with each resource and also with x.cond_unlock() to unlock all one by one but so far i have not been successful. Same error in both cases

You should use Wireshark to sniff the CANape traffic. Maybe there is a difference

You should use Wireshark to sniff the CANape traffic. Maybe there is a difference

My setup is composed of an ECU connected to a linux hardware where I run the python pyXCP script to collect and send XCP data, in another terminal I follow the sending of information by xcpdump.
I'm not using CANape

I need to a hw like CANape generating CAN messages to XCP unlock works ?

The DLL interfacing was somewhat fooled up -- maybe fixed now.

I've solved the problem flashing the correct software for my ECU, it wokrs, the problem was wrong sw for my seed and key file