This project was realized during my training as a web applications developer for a fictitious company. It comes from a french online tutorial provided by Développeur Musclé.
- HTML 5, CSS 3, PHP 8
- Symfony 7, Bootstrap 5
- Git, Github
- VS Code
- Love :)
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- Git
- MySQL, MariaDB, Postgresql or SQLite
- Symfony CLI
- Clone the repo by typing in your terminal:
cd to/your/projects/directory
git clone
- Enter in the project directory by typing in your terminal:
cd les-recettes-de-marinette
- Open the project with an IDE as Visual Studio Code by typing in your terminal:
code .
- Create a file at the root of this project and customize it with a DATABASE_URL variable (have a look in the .env file about an exemple of this DATABASE_URL variable and customize its value according to your database system, server version, username and password)
- Create the database on your computer by typing in your terminal:
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
- Import the data from the fixtures by typing in your terminal:
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
- Launch the server by typing in your terminal:
symfony serve -d
- Open the url in your favorite internet browser (or another port instead of 8000 if the Symfony server mentions another port)
Christophe Simon: personnal website
Project Link:
- This readme version is a customized version of this github repository by NicolasBrondin