
dockerized and monitored open vpn proxy

Primary LanguageGo

Openvpn Proxy

OpenVpn proxy is buildkit to run openvpn proxy docker container.


  • Golang process monitor OvpnProxyMonitor : Circuit break on vpn state.
  • Openvpn
  • Preconfigured Socks proxy powered by danted
  • Networking configuration : firewall, routing

Process monitor OvpnProxyMonitor

OvpnProxyMonitor ensures the traffic is always routed through vpn. Services are started or stopped according to the vpn connection state.

A basic http front end provides an overview on current connection and services state.

OpenVpn candidate configuration files are provided to the container through the $OVPN_POOL parameter.


Openvpn Proxy must be ran with docker elevated privileges (--privileges) : DO NOT USE IT FOR PRODUCTION

Openvpn Proxy wraps multiple processes in a single docker image. This is convenient but it's also a bad practice : DO NOT USE IT FOR PRODUCTION

Go code quality is basic and has to be improved.

Run container

  • Standalone
docker run --name vpn --rm  \
    --privileged \
    --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 \
    -e LAN=$LAN \
    -v $OVPN_POOL:/opt/ovpn-pool \
    -p $HTTP_PORT:80 \
    -p $SOCKS_PORT:1080 \
  • run.sh wrapper

First, create and populate env vars file local/localenv Then ./run.sh

Options reference

Parameter Mandatory Comment
OVPN_CONF if not setted, first file in $OVPN_POOL selected as config
OVPN_USER X Open vpn login
OVPN_PWD X Open vpn password
OVPN_POOL_DIR openvpn pool directory (! runtime context)
LAN X Lan ip
PORT Ovpn proxy monitor http port - default 80
HTTP_PORT X docker mapped http port - access to Ovpn Proxy Monitor
SOCKS_PORT X docker mapped socks port - access to danted socks proxy
DRYRUN Dry run mode - default false


  • UI - js static app : configuration selection and reload
  • Network management improve : DNS settings, firewall
  • Use golang port for supervisor : https://github.com/ochinchina/supervisord
  • Multiarch build : arm
  • VPN selection policies : rotation
  • UI - traffic stats