
Example on how to run Vite on traditional PHP sites inside DDEV

Primary LanguagePHP

This is an example code, simulating how to run Vite on traditional PHP sites inside DDEV.

A bare-minimum setup to serve as example to adapt to other scenarios (WordPress, Laravel, etc).

For everything else beyond the PHP side please refer to the Vite documentation, which is great.


  • Handle the cleanest way possible;


ddev start
ddev yarn install
ddev launch


For development, start Vite dev server inside ddev:

ddev yarn dev

Build for production:

ddev yarn build

The helpers.php script loads files from vite server and will fallback to production files from manifest if vite server is not running.


  • Works gracefully!

Note about the development host

A characteristic of this setup is that you'll run your project inside DDEV, for example https://vitephp.ddev.site/. Vite will be running at https://vitephp.ddev.site:5173 where our script and styles will be served from, but accessing https://vitephp.ddev.site:5173 directly will be empty, which is fine.

Of course, HMR and styles will work just fine! And fast!

  • Mininum Node.js version >=14.18+

Tips for multiple entries

You may find the need to handle multiple entries, for example, one js/css for the backend and another js/css for frontend. For that, it depends directly on how you want to organize your code.

So you can have:

Docker dev environment

To get this running on Docker quickly, check out this fork. Thanks @mrothauer