TPF Results Check

Execute Federated SPARQL queries against Big Data sources and compare the results

##Install R TPF Results Check requires R

required libraries:

  • library(jsonlite)
  • library(dplyr)
  • library(rio)

These scripts will compare the SPARQL json result set of a TPF query and generates three files:

  1. a merge showing the identical entities
  2. a diff of the first subject to the second subject
  3. a diff of the second to the first subject

To execute a script:

$ Rscript ./Rscripts/merge.R {input file path and name} {export directory path} {output file identity}

$ Rscript ./Rscripts/merge.R "./input/Leporidae.json" "./exports/" "Leporidae" 

The input file must contain binding variables in the following format:

- subjects = [?wde, ?dbr]
- objects = [?o1, ?o2]

The output files are in CSV format.