
The future is today!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ES6 Starterkit

The future is today!


  1. Fork or clone this repository.
  2. (Optional) Edit package.json if you intent to publish your package on npm.
  3. npm install to install all the required dependencies from npm.
  4. Hack src/index.jsx and src/__tests__/index.jsx.
  5. Lint/test using gulp.
  6. Don't forget to edit this README.md file.

Also don't forget that to run ES6 code, you need to perform babel transpiling. The recommended way is to use babel/register in node and the babel loader from webpack in the browser.


  • Sanely configured gulpfile.js, package.json, .gitignore, .editorconfig, .eslintrc, .jsbeautifyrc.
  • Both CommonJS and ES6 modules are supported.
  • Linting and testing is pre-configured.
  • lodash, bluebird and should are included by default.


MIT Elie Rotenberg <elie@rotenberg.io>