
Integrating Machine Learning Model in Elixir program

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PyEx Project


You already know how to build scalable and fault tolerant systems with Elixir, but have you thought about making them smarter? Machine Learning is this exciting area in IT we hear about great successes, and this builds curiosity to explore what it can do. Unfortunately, this area is dominated by Python and R, the technologies, that are foreign to BEAM based languages…

I’ve raised this question - would that be possible to train the Machine Learning models and still, make them available to Elixir programs in a way it would feel more native to the programs you implement?

There are a few ways of deploying Machine Learning models, and here, I’ll spend some time trying to make them work with the Elixir as it was part of Elixir program itself.

Finally, enabling the “native BEAM feel” to parts of Python program, will allow designing around the boundaries of the system using tools we already know and use - monitoring and linking the precesses and nodes are powerful, and serve great when we want to build highly available systems.

Join me in this exciting journey. I hope you’ll have as much fun as I had experimenting with this approach.
