
Rubik's Cube optimal move solver

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Rubik's Cube optimal move solver. A python/cython solution to unscramble the Rubik's Cube in the fewest number of moves.


Requires python with cython and numpy. For cython, I am unsure whether it comes with all the compilers and development libraries that it needs or if one needs to also have the compiler/development libraries installed separately. I use Anaconda for my python install. This has been tested on linux and MacOS. The setup.py and routines place everything in the local directory where you cloned/downloaded the source for this package. Nothing is installed to the python system.

  1. Build the cython codes
python setup.py build_ext --inplace

There will be numerous warnings about 'code will never be executed' and numpy deprecation. Those are fine.

  1. Download the pattern databases to the local work directory. There are 4 files that are compressed numpy save (.npz) files. The 4 files together use ~550Mb space. I have used the files on both linux and MacOS systems.
  1. The multiprocessing Rubik's cube solver is the python routine rubik_cython_roll_buffdq_solve_MP2.py. It uses the number of cores found by multiprocessing.cpu_count(). If you want a different number of cores to use, edit the variable USENCPUS. Hardcode the input the scrambled cube face colors in the begcubefaces dictionary. Consult the section below 'Entering Scrambled Cube to Solve' for the nomenclature of the dictionary.

  2. Run the program to solve cube

python rubik_cython_roll_buffdq_solve_MP2.py

The begcubefaces that comes with the program is the cube after a 15 move scramble. It should return the solution with 15 moves. The solution is listed in three variants an internal number assigned to each move, my non-standard move nomenclature, and the standard nomenclature. See below 'Entering Scrambled Cube to Solve' for an explanation of the move nomenclature. IMPORTANT: Since the multiprocessing starts after taking 2 turns, the turns shown after 'Root moves where solution was found' need to be performed before the other move list. The example 15 move scrambled cube is unscrambled with the moves D_F'_U'_L_D'_B'_R'_D'_F'_B'_D'_U'_B'_U'_L'.

  1. Try other cubes to solve Entering cube face colors manually is time consuming. You can also generate input for a cube scrambled by a sequence of moves. See rubik_cube_debugpath_roll.py for how to generate a valid 'init_faceids' variable near line 695 that can then be solved.


This code was inspired by watching the Netflix show Speedcubers about the current champions and simultaneously I was learning more about graph traversal algorithms ("Grokking Algorithms" by Aditya Bhargava, such a good book for introducing algorithms before diving into dry textbooks). It seemed like a perfect way to learn graph traversal algorithms with an actual problem to solve, the Rubik's Cube. Also, ya know, 2020 & 2021 needed some things to distract my mind. I started with writing a solver for a single cube to go from where it was to where I wanted it to go without messing up previously placed cubes. I stumbled into this blog post written by Benjamin Botto, and I fell down a rabbit hole. Along the way I learned about Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, speeding up python with cython, dabbled in writing c++ for the first time, lehmer code (such a cool thing), A* graph traversal using distance to end pattern database, and implementing shared memory for the multiprocessing step. The solution method described in Ben Botto's blog (BottoB, hereafter) excellently details the work from Richard Korf, 1997.

Entering Scrambled Cube to Solve

The nomenclature for entering the colors of the scrambled cube and moves is non-standard as it is left over from when I started to program before consulting vast amount of information on solving Rubiks cube. Situate the cube such that the white center face faces you, orange center face on top, and blue center face on the right of the cube. Visualize an x,y,z coordinate grid with the origin located at the lower left corner closest to you. The blue cube face to the right is the positive x-axis direction, the yellow cube face on the back of the cube is the positive y-axis direction, and the top orange face is the positive z-axis in this coordinate system. Now going back to the coordinate origin, start numbering the cubes from left to right and front to back. Thus, the lower left corner cubie closest to you is number 1, the next edge cubie along the lower front face is number 2 (along the positive x-axis). In this numbering scheme, the bottom center red cubie is number 5, front white center cubie is 11, left green center cubie is 13, the center hidden cube that is not visible is cube number 14, right face blue center cubie is 15, back face yellow center cubie is 17, top orange center is number 23, and the last cubie is the upper right cubie furthest away from you given number 27. For a particular cubie the face/sticker is specified by the direction that a normal pointing away from the cube. All cubie faces on the right face have a outward pointing normal in the positive x-axis direction which are given the shortened code 'px'. Faces on the yellow back face are towards the positive y-axis (py), faces on the top orange face are the positive z-axis (pz). The face code is a two character number of the cube and a two character face/sticker normal direction. '01my' designates the face of the lower left corner cubie number 1 with face normal pointing along negative y-axis. The integer code for color to use for a cubie face/sticker is

1 = orange, 2 = blue, 3 = yellow, 4 = green, 5 = white, 6 = red

Here is the dictionary one would use for the solved Rubik's cube

    solvedfaces = {"01my":5, "01mz":6, "01mx":4, "02my":5, "02mz":6,"03my":5, "03px":2, "03mz":6,\
                 "04mx":4, "04mz":6,"05mz":6,"06px":2, "06mz":6,\
                 "07mx":4, "07py":3, "07mz":6,"08py":3, "08mz":6,"09px":2, "09py":3, "09mz":6,\
                 "10mx":4, "10my":5,"11my":5,"12px":2, "12my":5,\
                 "16mx":4, "16py":3,"17py":3,"18px":2, "18py":3,\
                 "19mx":4, "19my":5, "19pz":1,"20my":5, "20pz":1,"21px":2, "21my":5, "21pz":1,\
                 "22mx":4, "22pz":1,"23pz":1,"24px":2, "24pz":1,\
                 "25mx":4, "25py":3, "25pz":1,"26py":3, "26pz":1,"27px":2, "27py":3, "27pz":1}

It will hopefully guide you into entering the scrambled cube faces into the begcubefaces dictionary to solve.

The characters I use to encode the moves are also non standard. I use a system where half turn/180 deg face turns are allowed. Here Front face clockwise is FC, front face counter-clockwise is FG, and front face half turn FH. These are more typically called, F,F', and F2, respectively. Rather than viewing the cube from each face for determining clockwise or counter-clockwise, I keep the rubik cube fixed, thus Back face clockwise move as viewed from the front I call BC, but this would be B' in the standard notation. Back face counter-clockwise viewed from the front I call BG, but would be B in the standard notation. The right face turned such that lower cubie goes up RU, normally R, and right face turned such that the lower cubie goes down RD' == R. Left face up LU==L' and left face down LD==L. Upper face turned such that left most cubie moves right UR==U', and upper face turned such that left most cubie moves left UL=='U'. Same with lower/down face DR=D and DL=D'. On output the moves are given in my move notation and also the standard move notation.


Ben Botto reports a 0.6 hr solve for a 17 move solve cube configuration. He confirmed using a single core Intel Core i7-2600K Sandy Bridge Quad-Core 3.4GHz (maybe some threading). My code is slower with a single core Intel Xeon CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz, and I solve this same configuration in ~2 hr. However, with the addition of multiprocessing using 30 cores I was able to solve the configuration in 8 min (0.14 hr). This was a factor of 15 times faster using 30 cores from the single core process. In general, with 30 cores it takes 17 min to complete searching 17 move solves and start searching 18 move solves. It takes ~2.5hrs to complete searching 18 move solves and start search 19 move solves. I have yet to encounter a configuration that was not solved in <19 moves.

  • UPDATE 1/29/2020: Tweaked the lehmer code for a few minor reductions in steps. Turns out one can compile with a higher optimization flag (using gcc -O3) than the cython default (-O2). The single core solve for the 17 move timing is at 93min (1.55 hr).

Multiprocessing / Parallelization Notes

Rather than let a single process explore the tree for a solution, to parallelize the search, I record the end states of the cube faces after the first two moves have been performed. Note, that there are 18 moves in total, so after two moves there should be 18x18=324 cube states, but some of the second moves are redundant (see BottoB), so there are 255 cube states. An individual worker continues the search for a solution commencing from one of these 255 cube states independently until they reach the current max level limit or find a solution. It is essentially an embarrasingly parallel program where workers do not need to communicate with each other. I work on a system with 4 Intel Xeon CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz processors each with 8 cores. Using 30 cores with python's multiprocessing pool.map() methods I achieve a speed up by a factor of 15 over the single core. Except for the bookkeeping, having the pattern databases put into a read-only shared memory space such that all the workers have access without needing copies was the part that took some searching around. My implementation is modelled after this description by Mianzhi Wang. Other solutions on stackoverflow that involve just putting the variables in module space did work for access without copies, but did not lead to any speed ups. That method lead to 100 times more interrupts and context switches per second according to vmstat indicating some really inefficient memory access issues and jobs switching cores rapidly. However, Wang's method for shared memory really worked really well. I really wonder how this would scale to doing the solving with CUDA GPUs. I may try that as this system has an NVIDIA GTX 1050 Ti (with 768 CUDA cores). There are ~3200 states after three moves. The bottleneck may be acessing the 550MB worth of pattern databases from GPU device memory which wont fit on shared memory closer to the threads.


In the current version, the tall pole is the lehmer coding. It is 3 times slower than performing the ~14 moves per node. The bookkeeping of the DFS stack runs at a similar time to the moves. The lehmer code implementation is using a linear algorithm, so any improvements are likely in implementation. May be hard to improve upon, but I frankly did not explore optimizing yet nearly as much as the DFS bookkeeping and performing moves. The other route for improvement is through parallelizing with more cores and exploring the GPU option. Initial exploration shows that it is scaling well with increasing cores, so that is encouraging. I did try my hand at using C++ to speed things up. I got an implementation working, but tall pole of using deque storage class maintaining the DFS stack lead to too many allocations and deallocations that bogged it down. The same thing occurs with python data array structures. They were always the time sink compared to the moves. I ended up doing away all the storage classes and went to a straight 2d buffer array where I just memcopy entries into and increment/decrement a pointer to the head of the stack and not bother with actually erasing or deallocating entries when they are pop'd off. The DFS, moves, and lehmer coding were all moved to cython. The only thing left in python now is converting the begcubefaces dictionary of cube faces to the cube number and orientation used internally as well as setting up the pool of workers. However, you will find code to perform the DFS, moves, and lehmer coding on the python side as well. My workflow was development and testing in native python to make sure it was correct. Then profile and move things into cython during optimization. So you will see very similar code on the python side to maybe help see what the cython is doing if you're not too familar with cython. Another avenue is to just write the lehmer coding in pure c, then benchmark against the cython version to see if the gains would justify moving the DFS and moves over to pure c as well. It might be worth writing it in pure c just for maintainability as cython is kinda a niche python/c hybrid thing. Also I haven't yet figured out how to debug cython code in an IDE (needed to use the print statement method) or profile subfunctions in cython.

  • UPDATE 1/29/2020: wrote the lehmer code in pure c along with a data set of cube face states to calculate on. I found no significant differences in timing between the cython version of lehmer code and the pure c version. Did learn that one can pass -O3 to cython compiler which helps speed up calculation. Disappointing, but unless the lehmer code can be sped up, parallelization looks like the most logical step for improving runtime.

Other Codes

  • rubik_cython_roll_buffdq_solve.py - Single core version of the solver. Missing a few features of the MP version, like no timing, gives solution in moveid integers only, etc.. Works in a similar fashion to the MP version.
  • lehmer_code.py - Perform lehmer encoding for a permutation up to level 12
  • rubik_cube_debugpath_roll.py - This routine can be used to enter a sequence of moves using the standard move characters (i.e., F, F', B,...) and it will generate the initial cube configuration (variable init_faceids near line 695) that can then be solved with rubik_cython_roll_buffdq_solve_MP2.py. It can also be used to debug the search as it shows the faceids, lehmer codes, and pattern database scores after every move.
  • convert_facechar2int.py - Convert the cubie character names to the internal integer identifying the cubie number and orientation.
  • The following codes were used to generate the pattern databases. They use older move methods (straight index copying) and python DFS stack management, and the face ordering is different than what is used now. They are really, really slow. They got the job done, but some of them take 2.5 days to run. These really need to be updated with the latest cython DFS, move, and score implementation that is >1000 times faster. Hopefully you can use the premade npzs and don't have to resort actually running these.
    • rubik_cube_cython_cornerdbgen.py
    • rubik_cube_cython_alledgenofacedbgen.py
    • rubik_cube_cython_edge1dbgen_12p7_DFS.py
    • rubik_cython_moves.pyx - The above depend on this for doing the moves and lehmer code