Disable youtube video advertising with Pi Hole - in the whole network.
The Pi-hole program is a solution for blocking advertising (including advertising videos before, between and at the end of a YouTube video) and trackers for the entire network. It blocks perfectly advertising and trackers even before the contact of the provider on DNS level. (DNS filter). This saves bandwidth and fewer requests have to be processed. This makes the performance better.
All pages wanted, appear without advertising and therefore they can load much faster! Much of the advertising and trackers disappear. This can be noticed perfectly on mobile phones, when suddenly much app advertising is no longer shown. Thanks to the filtering on the DNS level, the equipment with the Pi-hole even saves quite a bit of CPU and computing power.
We use it and it works perfectly! YouTube videos load much faster - without adverising!
You can get the current version from them directly:
Simply add the URL to the Pi-Hole list.