- Everything you need to know to start with C
- Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Linus Torvalds
- "C" Programming Language: Brian Kernighan
- Why C Programming is Awesome
- Learning to Program in C part 1
- Learning to Program in C part 2
- Understanding C Program Compilation
- Betty, Holberton C Coding Style
- man gcc, man printf, man puts, man putchar
- more info
- Keywords and identifiers
- Integers
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/c_arithmetic_operators.htm
- If Statements in C
- If Else Statements in C
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- While Loop in C
- Nested while loops
- C - Functions
- Learning to Program in C pt. 6
- Purpose of a function prototype
- C-Header Files
- Same concepts as 0x02
- Same concepts as 0x04
- C - Pointer to Pointer
- C - Pointer to Pointer with example
- Multi Dimensional Arrays in C
- Two dimensional arrays in C programming with example
- pointers and arrays again!
- Recursion Introduction
- What on Earth is Recursion
- C - Recursion
- C Programming Tutorial 85 pt1
- C Programming Tutorial 86 pt2
- What is a C Library, what is it good for?
- What is the difference between Dynamic and Static Libraries
- C Static Libraries
- Arguments to main
- argc and argv
- What does int argc, char argv mean
- Compiling with unused Variables
- 0x0a - malloc & free
- Dynamic memory allocation in C -malloc calloc realloc free
- Automatic and dynamic allocation, malloc and free
- Do I cast the result of malloc
- Automatic and dynamic allocation, malloc and free, again!
- man 3 exit, calloc, realloc
- Understanding C program Compilation Process
- Object-like Macros
- Macro Arguments
- Pre Processor Directives in C
- The C Preprocessor
- Standard Predefined Macros
- Include Guard
- 0x0d. Strucutre
- struct ,C programming language
- Documentation: structures
- 0x0d. typedef and structures
- typedef
- Function Pointer in C
- Pointers to functions
- Function Pointer in C/C++
- why pointers to functions?
- Everything you need to know about pointers in C
- stdarg.h
- C - Variable Arguments
- Functions with Variable Argument Lists in C using va_list
- Variadic Functions
- Const Keyword
- Same as 0x11
- Different sorting algorithms