A simple productivity app idea made in Flutter. It was a challenge with a friend to build a mobile application in three days with zero experience in mobile development or Flutter.
A productivity mobile application based on the idea of doing something for just five minutes, the pomodoro technique, and the 20/20 idea of looking 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes while doing work on a screen.
Clicking on each of the bottom options will take you to that particular screen. The timer will increment up until it reaches five, twenty five, or twenty minutes respectively. The reset button resets the timer and an alarm notification will alert of the time limit reached. Start button starts the timer and will change to a pause button upon click.
For now this application was tested and run using an Android emulator.
I am always open for discussion and new opportunities so please feel free to contact me!
Chris Choe | Personal Site | LinkedIn
Thanks to Shoji Takashima for the bet. Project done using Android Studio, Flutter, and Dart.