- 6
Pdf not fit properly in Print preview, make blank space either right and bottom.
#208 opened by anupsamanta - 0
How i can turn Off print preview before printing. i want direct print without showing any preview screen or confirmation screen.
#221 opened by dev-asfand - 5
Bluetooth and Wifi support for Brother Printer
#199 opened by rajatgupta9021 - 1
- 1
Windows HTML Print
#206 opened by Vishal99784 - 3
- 0
- 6
Is there any way to set paper size as IS0 5 default
#169 opened by Venkat1P - 2
PDF print attempt causes crash on iOS17+
#212 opened by andy-zy - 0
Showing black background into receipt
#214 opened by avijit-ordering - 1
working around rdar://FB11966380 (iOS 16 blank page issue with label printers)
#201 opened by punkstar - 0
Automatically click the print button
#211 opened by davimateus1 - 0
Customize print screen
#210 opened by davimateus1 - 1
Android pagination issue
#200 opened by sivaramakrishnac - 1
Type improvements
#204 opened by chmac - 5
Select printer + printerURL support for Android
#130 opened by Off2Race - 4
App crash when silent print on iOS 16
#182 opened by aunglwinmoe - 1
make silent printing optional for ios
#198 opened by nicoles182 - 1
Print webview screen
#195 opened by deralexan91 - 2
Silent print support in react-native-windows
#186 opened by mu-irshad011 - 2
- 1
- 2
build error for android
#189 opened by chukiatt - 5
Android crash on printing .png, .jpg files
#131 opened by mariaborovyk - 5
Android packaging error
#185 opened by q975702873 - 1
react-native-print working properly on debug build but getting error at ./gradlew assembleRelease and getting following error...this error is only with this package only..please help
#193 opened by hardcoder0620 - 1
Failing in assembleAndroidTest
#181 opened by bgrgit - 1
Not able to create build for iOS for ipad
#179 opened by rdtank - 1
printer jobs with timeout on ios
#180 opened by bhaskars99 - 1
- 2
How can print do not show preview page?
#173 opened by haisaco - 6
Does this library supports thermal printer?
#149 opened by JayeshPatil95 - 3
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.print.PrintDocumentAdapter android.webkit.WebView.createPrintDocumentAdapter()' on a null object reference
#158 opened by cimwf - 1
Android: uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 16 cannot be smaller than version 21 declared in library
#170 opened by bgrgit - 1
Styling the html element
#164 opened by SrinivasanJms - 3
A blank page after each print
#133 opened by Abdelalim-dev - 1
Strange issue with images when printing HTML
#159 opened by mikerodham - 1
- 1
Unable to get the printOut
#153 opened by HariKeerthanaKondapalli - 2
- 1
- 11
App crash on iOS15 while printing
#155 opened by bhaskars99 - 4
html support for Windows platform
#132 opened by omdxp - 1
Custom font not getting applied on mobile
#150 opened by CharanjeetRPOPS - 1
Can i connect by bluetooth or usb?
#144 opened by datpt11 - 1
Paper Size
#141 opened by Ar-Nai - 1
null is not an object (evaluating '_reactNativePrint.default.selectPrinter')]
#145 opened by Rithu-664 - 4
Print to default printer in Windows
#139 opened by omdxp - 1
Access buffered data
#138 opened by Enragedsaturday - 0
JSON Object arraylist
#129 opened by wahid-dev1