
This project leverages AWS Lambda runtime nodejs8.10, so using Node 8 locally is a good idea to avoid accidentally introducing incompatibilities (like Promise.finally).

nvm use 8.10

AWS Access

To run any serverless commands, AWS command-line access is required. When using an IAM user directly, ensure


are set. If using assume-role with MFA or a federated account, ensure


is also set.

Basically, if you can run commands like aws s3 ls, then you should be in good shape.


To use the various google apis, you will need to get api keys for: Google reCAPTCHA - Google Maps -

The environment variables for these keys are: GOOGLE_CAPTCHA_KEY GOOGLE_GEOCODING_API_KEY


Deployment creates secure API endpoints behind a custom domain. In order for this to work, an SSL certificate needs to be configured (uploaded or created) in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) and a DNS zone needs to be setup in Route53.

DNS zone Certificate *

The build environment needs to be populated with the variables in sample.env with values corresponding to the resources setup here.

  • HOSTZONEID corresponds to the alphanumeric identifier in Route53 (only required if Route53 is being used)
  • CERTIFICATE_ID is the uuidv4 GUID of the AWS Certificate Manager wildcard certificate created in us-east-1 (required!) for the DOMAIN_NAME
  • DOMAIN_NAME is the DNS zone that corresponds to the SSL/TLS certificate registered that the API & web-app will be hosted under.


The service stack is namespaced to allow multiple concurrent deployments for testing, debugging, etc. E.g.: sls deploy --stage bdruth --force Note The env vars need to be properly populated per prerequisites above.

sls deploy --stage <namespace> --force

Fullstack / web-app client

This project leverages the fullstack-serverless plugin to deploy the single-page client app in client/.

Start the app in dev mode

npm start

Build the app in prod mode

npm run build

Test the app locally

npm test