
Deploy CDK pipeline and sample application

Primary LanguageTypeScript

AWS CDK pipelines example

This repository contains an example CDK pipeline that deployes a simple serverless API and a static frontend served from CloudFront. Once deployed, the pipeline will update itself on git push.


  1. Fork this repository
  2. Update .env with your domain and GitHub name
  3. Create a GitHub personal access token with scopes repo and admin:repo_hook.
  4. Store the secret in AWS SecretsManager:
$ aws secretsmanager create-secret --name github-token --secret-string=<TOKEN>
  1. Deploy the pipeline:
$ npm ci
$ npm run bootstrap
$ npm run build+deploy Pipeline

When the pipeline is deployed, it will automatically update itself to the state in your repository.




The Pipeline that updates itself, deploys assets and all Application stacks.


Contains two stacks:


A simple serverless API, accessible on a custom domain.


A CloudFront distribution that serves the contents of the dist/ folder in this repository from an S3 bucket via an OriginAccessIdentity, and automatically invalidates the distribution on updates.