
A monitoring framework for Vapor servers

Primary LanguageSwift


Clairvoyant is a framework to provide monitoring data for Swift servers, targeted at Vapor. It enables the specification of different metrics to publish over a web API, where it can be collected by monitoring instances.

The framework can also be used as a logging backend for swift-log, so that log contents can be made available conveniently over a web api (see logging backend).


This framework intends to provide a very lightweight logging and monitoring possibility, especially for Vapor servers. It allows publishing, collecting, and logging time-series data in a very simple way. The goal is to provide easy remote access to basic information about running services, as well as provide history data.

It is maybe similiar to approaches like swift-metrics, but without running a cumbersome monitoring backend, and with a bit more flexibility.


This package is part of a larger collection of Swift packages, which separate the logic according to the needed functions.

Module Content
Clairvoyant  The main module with metrics and consumers
ClairvoyantVapor Extensions to expose metrics through a Vapor server
ClairvoyantClient A client to communicate with a ClairvoyantVapor server
ClairvoyantLogging Use a metrics observer as a backend for swift-log
 ClairvoyantMetrics Use a metrics observer as a backend for swift-metrics
ClairvoyantCBOR  Extensions to use CBOR encoding for metrics
ClairvoyantBinaryCodable  Extensions to use BinaryCodable encoding for metrics

The individual packages are explained in more detail below.


Clairvoyant is structured around the concept of metrics, which are monitored by observers. A metric describes a basic data point over time, such as integers, doubles, enums, or other data types. A metric collects any changes to the data point, logs it to disk, and optionally forwards the data to a remote server. Metrics are identified by a unique identifier string.

import Clairvoyant

Metric observer

Before creating metrics, a MetricObserver must exist to managing different metrics and provide a common storage location. To create an observer, we have to provide a directory where the logging data can be written. It also internally writes all errors to a Metric<String> with the id provided by the parameter logMetricId.

let url: URL = ...
let observer = MetricObserver(logFolder: url, logMetricId: "test.log")

The logging metric can later be read in the same way as other metrics. It's also possible to add additional log entries.

await observer.log("Something happened")

Metrics can then be created on the observer:

let metric = observer.addMetric(id: "MyCounter", containing: Int.self)

There is a static property on `MetricObserver` to add metrics to by default:

MetricObserver.standard = observer
let metric = Metric("MyCounter", containing: Int.self) // Automatically added to `observer`

Note: A fatal error will be produced if the metric initializer is used without a standard observer.


Metrics are written as Swift Actors, so they are thread-safe, but require an asynchronous context.

let metric: Metric<Int> = Metric("myMetric")
let other = Metric("MyOtherMetric", containing: Bool.self)

Once a metric is created, it can be updated with new values:

try await metric.update(123)

The call to update() creates a timestamp for the given value, and persists this pair. Internally, metrics are only updated when the value changes, so calling update() multiple times with the same value does not unnecessarily increase the size of the log file. Datapoints older than the last value are also ignored (only applicable when setting custom timestamps).

It's also possible to get the last value or a history for each metric.

let last: Timestamped<Int>? = await metric.lastValue()

The Timestamped<T> struct wraps a value with a timestamp to create a point in a time series. That makes it possible to order values chronologically, and to obtain values within a specific interval.

let range = Date().addingTimeInterval(-100)...Date() // last 100 seconds
let lastValues: [Timestamped<Int>] = try await metric.getHistory(in: range)

These functions represent the basic interaction with a metric on the creator side.

Complex types

It's possible to use metrics with custom types, so that arbitrary data can be logged. Any complex type that conforms to the MetricValue protocol works. The protocol requirements are a static property of MetricType, an Enum to signal the type of data being encoded. Custom types should use the .customType(named:) case.

Additionally, custom types must conform to Codable (for encoding/decoding) and Equatable, to allow comparisons with the last value.

struct Player: MetricValue, CustomStringConvertible {

    static let valueType: MetricType = .custom(named: "Player")
    let name: String
    let score: Int
    var description: String { "\(name) (\(score))"}

This is already sufficient to use metrics with the type, like so:

let metric = Metric("player.current", containing: Player.self)
let newPlayer = Player(name: "Alice", score: 42)
try await metric.update(newPlayer)

Exposing metrics with Vapor

Logging values to disk is great, but the data should also be available for inspection and monitoring. Clairvoyant provides a separate package ClairvoyantVapor to integrate metric access into Vapor servers.

Initial requirements

Allow publishing of individual metrics Implemented

Different metrics can be created, updated, and exposed through a Vapor server.

Allow different data types: Int, Bool, Double, Enum, and complex objects Implemented

Any Swift type can be used as a metric, as long as it conforms to MetricValue. Some standard types have been implemented: Int, Double, Bool, Enum(UInt8), and ServerStatus.

Use efficient binary encoding Implemented

Any binary encoder can be specified for encoding and decoding, as long as it conforms to BinaryEncoder and BinaryDecoder. The native types for JSON (JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder) and Property Lists (PropertyListEncoder and PropertyListDecoder) work out of the box. There are additional packages which can be included for more efficient binary encoders:

To use CBOR, include the ClairvoyantCBOR package. To use BinaryCodable, include ClairvoyantBinaryCodable.

Specify read and write access for each property Implemented

Access control is left to the application, and can be performed individually for each request. Some convenience functions are provided to simplify access control through tokens.

Protect information through access control Implemented

See above.

Allow logging of changed values to disk Implemented

Values are timestamped and written to log files on disk. Log files are split according to a configurable maximum size.

Allow access to current value and optionally all past values Implemented

Metrics provide lastValue() and getHistory() functions to access stored values. These can also be accessed through the Vapor web interface.

Collect metrics from different sources: Variables, log files, online requests, etc. Not implemented

Feeding metric with values is left to the application. Additional features may be implemented in time to observe and process log files or perform automatic requests.

Provide information about the retrievable parameters Implemented

MetricObservers provide a list of the metrics with basic information (name, description, type) about them.

General logging of errors Implemented

Each MetricObserver has a metric dedicated to logging of internal errors

Push changed values to different server Implemented

Metrics can be configured with remote observers, were new values are automatically transmitted to.

Open tasks

  • Persist pending values to remote observers between launches
  • Add total file size limit to metric (automatically delete oldest files)
  • Provide values as strings/JSON for web view
  • Add convenience features to observe log files or perform periodic network requests.
  • Provide functionality to fully synchronize metrics across systems