
TYPO3 Extension for lossless image optimization with binaries of your choice.

Primary LanguagePHP

TYPO3 ImageOptimizer Extension

Lossless image optimization. Process jpg/png/gif/svg images with binaries and parameters of your choice.

Note: JPG and PNG were yesterday. If you want to serve images in new formats like avif and webp including auto detection and asynchronous generation, then imgproxy may fit your needs. #webvitals


  • Optimize images on upload or after processing (files in fileadmin/_processed_/)
  • Binaries, paths and their parameters are configurable


Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install optipng jpegoptim libjpeg-turbo-progs gifsicle

svgo is installable via NPM npm install -g svgo

Configuration options

Extension Manager configuration options


  • Commands are tested in the Extension Settings module
  • Logging API: See file/database log