Confluent Docker images reloaded

Rewrite of the Confluent Platform Docker images.


  • Use of microdnf for all package management instead of yum
  • Static Go binary ub instead of Python scripts to generate configurations, hence no runtime-dependency on Python (smaller image and smaller attack surface)
  • Support for starting cluster in KRaft mode
  • Deprecate all references to ZooKeeper for non-broker components
  • cleaned up configuration handling (maybe)


Currently, the script can be used to build base and Kafka node images.

The examples folder contains docker compose based examples using the new images.


Confluent Platform components ultimately require a Java properties file. During startup of the container, this config file will be generated from the environment variables passed to the container.

  • easier to set defaults in ConfigSpec

Implementation notes

All components run under a user appuser


  • /etc/confluent/docker - contains templates, configs, and scripts for configuring the applications on startup.
  • /etc/${COMPONENT}/secrets
  • /var/lib/${COMPONENT}/data