
A basic TCP/UDP supportive chat server

Primary LanguageC

Chat Server

This server is written in C and can hold up to 32 TCP clients, allocating a thread to deal with each. The message format is strict, but users can SEND a message to another user. Users can send a WHO request to see all users logged in. Users can LOGIN and LOGOUT and also issue a BROADCAST request in which they send a message to all other logged in clients. See the specifications PDF file for more information.

How To Run

  • Run server.c with gcc -Wall -pthread -o a.out server.c then ./a.out PORT_NUMBER
  • Run client.c to test with gcc -Wall -pthread -o b.out client.c then ./b.out PORT_NUMBER


You may also use netcat to connect and communicate with the server. Remember to follow the message guidelines.

  • TCP connection: netcat PORT_NUMBER
  • UDP connection: netcat -u PORT_NUMBER